
Early Spring Color 1 - Dior 798

It is still cold in NYC now...  However, the spring is not far away from us : ).
Want some special color in this early spring? Dior 798 will be your favorite!

What is the key feature of a spring look? The bright and pinky color! However, the still low temperature does not fit a cute, bright and pinky color.

Dior 798 is really special. A little bit grey, a little bit purple, it is not bright, but has the grace temperament like spring, especially the early chilly spring in NYC. And also, the name of this color is Spring. 

Remember why I love Dior's nail polish so much? Yes, the wide brush! I believe I have showed you many times of the brush which could smoothly apply the nail polish. However, this color is an exception...

Apply once. You could see the color is totally not smoothy and looks a little bit dirty. I tried several times, it not the brush's problem, but the color itself. It could not cover the original nail color.

Apply twice. The effect is pretty good. It is a kind of French style color. Low-key but unique and sexy. It is a special color for this season, a little warm also a little chilly. It is also a little smoky and cool, which combines with the soft and grace feelings. The mix effect really makes a special style in this early spring season.

Good Daily-use color 2 - Givenchy 103

If we choose Dior 428 nail polish, what kind of lipstick color could match it?

Well, to be frankly, it is really difficult to find a daily use lipstick color, between nude and orange. You do not need it so bright, but a too nude color may makes you look too pale and unhealthy. Especially in winter time, a moisturizing but also colorful lipstick is harder to choose.

Last week, a friend suggested me that I should not only recommend Dior's product. I do have preference to Dior's nail polish. But about lipsticks, there are many other brands that I really want to share with you.

Givenchy 103 is an excellent lipstick to match Dior 428. Firstly about the package. It is difficult for girls to refuse cosmetic products with beautiful package, even they are not really good to us. However, despite the amazing leather package, Givenchy 103 also has pretty good performance on color and moisturizing.

The leather package looks very luxury but also low-key. You do not need people focus on you too much, but if they focus on you one second, they will notice your good taste. That's the key message that this package delivers.

The texture of this lipstick is very soft. The color looks full but not shinning. Also, the light smell makes girls feel happy to apply it on lips.

The color on skin is almost exactly with it looks like. Very natural, but also gives skin a good and healthy looking.

To makes a more moisturizing look, before apply the lipstick, I use some lip balm first. You can see my lip is very dry in winter : (

Apply once. A very natural and healthy looking with a little bit orange color. The lipstick moisturizing my lip very quickly and refine lip lines. 

For daily use, applying once should be enough. However, if you want to have a more full and mature effect, just apply twice. Not so many difference, just looks more full and lasts for longer time.

Look together with Dior 428. Very natural but healthy looking, it is perfect match for work, school and other daily occasions.


Good Daily-use color 1- Dior 428 Sienna

After the Valentine's Day and Chinese new year, welcome back to the normal daily life : ( .

Maybe you have get rid of the red color and want to try something clean and light; maybe you have an important meeting or need to go to school (like me...) which means a so bright red nail polish is not proper. Ok, let's find something different!

Firstly, about clean and light color, many people may think of nude color. So do I. However, not all the nude colors are easy to handle, and some of them may make your hand look very dark, for example, nude pink and while.

My skin color is darker than Western people. Therefore, I would like to choose a little bright nude color to make my hand look more white.

Dior 428 is a perfect choose for me. It looks very common, just a color similar to people's skin. Not too dark, not too bright, it is a good choice for work and school.

Usually, nude color is not easy to apply smoothly, as the color is light so every tiny flaw will become very obvious. Thanks to the wide brush! This color is very easy to apply and looks as smoothy as silk!

Apply once. The color is a little different with it looks like. It has some orange among the nude. But as I said, sometimes a bright nude makes our skin look more white. Orange nude is a perfect choice for Asian girls to bright the skin.

Apply twice. The color gets darker, rich and exact same with it looks like. If you want to make the color last longer, you could apply twice. For me, I prefer twice than once. After apply twice, the color  looks more silky and grace. For girls who like more mature and even luxury effect, I suggest to apply twice to make it more rich and full. 


Sexy Color for Dating 2 - Dior Addict 829

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed the firework on last night. It is my big regret to miss it : ( .

In the latest post, I introduced Dior 999 as my favorite nail polish for Valentine's Day and new year. I know many girls use Dior 999 lipstick with the nail polish together. Well, I may say this is not a bad match as they share almost the same color. However, today, I would like to introduce a little bit darker lipstick to match the 999 nail polish.

Lipstick Dior Addict 829 is a kind of vantage color, but not too much. Vantage red needs to be used very delicately and not easy to match with other colors. Addict 829,  not as so much bright as 999, is more mature, but still vivid and sexy.

The black is Dior's classic package. I prefer it much better than the white package which I will show you in future's post. The most important advantage of this package is that it is not easy to be damaged...

As I said, the color is a little bit darker than 999, but still very nice. The reason that I do not match 999 nail polish with 999 lipstick is that I read an article about men's attitudes towards women's lipstick and most men indicated they dislike bloody red lipstick as it may make they be afraid of kissing...

The texture is very soft. Look at the color on my skin, basically the same as it looks.

Before apply it, I will use some concealer to correct the shape of my lip. YSL's concealer is one of my favorites. The skin around my lip is a little dark and dry. The concealer could make it more bright and clean.

Then, apply once on my lip. The color looks a little rosy. As I said, this color is not so much bright as 999. Thus it fits better for girls who would like to try a sexy red but do not want something too much.
Apply twice, the color gets darker and heavier, and totally covers the original color of my lip. My lip is a little dry. Thanks to the crazy cold weather of NYC... But I have to say, this lipstick is so so moisturizing and could keep fresh for a long time.
Finally, let us have a look if it matches with 999 nail polish. It looks great!!! At least for me : ). I do not want my lip looks as red as my nail polish.  Lip occupies a large space on our face. Thus, a bloody red lip may attract too much attention, especially for girls who have tiny faces : ).


Sexy Color for Dating 1 - Dior 999!

Feb. 11 2015
First of all, it is really cold today. On such a winter's day, all I want is a cup of hot chocolate. Today I passed SaksFifthAve, and found the shop windows had been decorated with red lanterns and dragons. Valentine's day is coming, and Chinese new year is also coming. No matter for dating or family party, we definitely need something red.

Thus, here comes the first, the most classic and also my favorite nail polish Dior 999.

9 is a fortunate number for Chinese people. 999 is a really good name to promote girls to pay for it.

Firstly, let's have a look for the brush. Dior's nail polish has very wide (or big) brush. Some of my friends always complain that the wide brush is nor easy to use and they prefer a smaller brush, like Chanel's. Well, for me, I do think a wide brush is much better. Perhaps a small brush is easier to control, but it is difficult to apply the color smoothly as the contact area is so narrow.

About the color, 999 is a very classic and standard red. Not mix up with orange, pink or purple, but just pure red. Not too bloody, not too dark either not too fresh. For girls who just want a beautiful red color, this is one of the best choices.

Even though only apply once, The color is still very smoothy and full. The texture of Dior's nail polish is not very heavy. It dries very quickly. But the problem is it is also easy to be  scraped. So usually, I apply twice to make the color last longer.

Apply twice. The color gets a little bit rich but not dark.

The shape of my fingers is not perfect : ( . So, if I am ok with this color, you guys with much more beautiful fingers will be definitely ok : ). This is the first color that I want to introduce to you. No matter for Valentine's day,  Chinese new year or just daily life, the bright but grace red would be your best choice!

Hi, this is April, a Chinese girl in New York. 

This blog is a part of my homework and I am lucky that I could choose the topic that I am really interest in.

I am not good at making up. it is too difficult for me to apply a delicate eyeliner and eyeshadow. However, I do love nail polish and lipsticks. Usually, I go to school with simple and comfortable skinny jeans and sweaters, and I utilize different nail polish and lipsticks to highlight and color myself. They are small things but could make a big difference. They make me look more healthy, energetic and fashionable.

In my view, it is not easy to use nail polish and lipsticks perfectly. We need to choose the color and texture according to different seasons, occasions and even moods. And the colors of nail polish and lipsticks should also match with each other. Dark navy is a gorgeous nail polish color and burgundy lipstick is also classic. However, if a girl matches them together, especially in summer, it will only makes people feel inharmonious. 

So, above is my original attention to write on this topic - lipstick and nail polish. Of course different people have different aesthetic values. I just hope to find some good ( at least I think good : ) ) colors for party, dating, work, school and other occasions, and share my ideas with you guys. It will be my greattttt pleasure if this blog could be useful to you : ).

Ok, then let's begin!